At McGivney Global, we provide a wide range of consulting services combining expertise in clinical, health policy, pharmaceutical reimbursement, and market access. We are uniquely positioned to develop advisory, insights, modeling, and strategy for biopharma client needs in oncology and specialty markets.
Learn More About Our Products and Services

McGA FlowDown™ Analysis
Proprietary analytic tool that follows the decision-making and information "flow" for new products or indications from regulatory approval through guidelines, compendia, payers, pathways, and key institutions
Incorporates comparative clinical landscape and competitive analyses
Leads to NCCN Guidelines and Compendium Positioning Strategy
Informs NCCN Submission Letters (e.g., on-label, off-label)
Informs strategy for other CMS-recognized compendia and pathways
Guides clinical data modeling and forecasting for payer response and coverage

Payer and Coverage Strategy
Stakeholder messaging and value messaging strategy
Compendia strategy and submissions
Navigating coverage policy and utilization management
Pipeline and pre-launch strategy, direction, and positioning for oncology and specialty products

Economic/Financial Policy and Strategy
Payer-based forecast scenarios and revenue projections
Alternative Payment Models (APMs) portfolio impact modeling
Models and scenario analyses for financial impact of policy (e.g., value-based reimbursement)
Health policy impact assessment and strategy
Impact of Oncology Value Metrics frameworks
Strategic health economics tools (e.g., "Retail vs. Real Price")

Forecasting, Modeling, and Value Impact Analysis
Price/value justification and policy presentation
Understanding impact of utilization management tools (precert, step therapy, tiering) on specific products and forecasting impact
Payment method changes and impact on sales (340b, bundled payments)
Modeling impact of policy changes on specific products, therapeutic areas, or portfolio-wide (including key pipeline agents)

Advisory Boards and Market Research Insights
Expansive KOL and Key Opinion Organization Diagramming
Advisory Boards and Summits
Focus Groups and in-depth interview series
Convening national thought leaders from payer, provider, patient, and policy spheres
Obtain expert views and develop strategy for advancing product positioning
Elicit expert opinion on challenges and potential strategies
Discuss and identify product/data needs and thresholds

Data, Evidence, and Competitive Positioning
Competitive and Comparative decision-making intelligence
Understanding and monitoring data and product positioning in EMRs/EHRs, order sets, and decision-assist tools
Data analysis and strategy for indication expansion
Long term data collection and analysis in Phase IV to enhance positioning throughout product life-cycle
Strategy for longitudinal databases and big data

Training, Education, and Publications
Comprehensive ongoing corporate (e.g., national sales force) training and education
Cross-functional alignment training and education on policy, payer strategy, and market access
Customizable workshops on guideline (e.g., NCCN), compendia, and pathways processes, positioning, and implications
Customizable workshops on Specialty Pharmacy
Strategic publication planning
Key Opinion Organization (KOO)/Key Opinion Leader (KOL) relationship mapping, profiling, internal assignments, and stakeholder targeted data information packets
Prospective outlook on strategic planning opportunities for guidelines and compendia

Healthcare Policy and Value Strategy
Health policy impact assessment and strategy
Strategic health economics tools and Oncology Value Metrics analyses
State and federal landscape review and deep analysis of legislation addressing pricing transparency, step therapy, non-medical switching, biosimilar substitution, cost-sharing, and other key issues
Training support, white paper development, and strategic insights for companies and their products related to legislative developments at state and federal level
Yearly subscription service with strategic policy insights and direct bottom line summaries

New Asset Evaluation Services
Acquisition or In-Licensing and Out-Licensing Valuation and Strategy
Asset valuation through competitive analysis
Financial modeling and revenue projections